Ambitious Beginnings

It’s been about ten minutes since I figured out how to make this whole blog thing work.

No, actually, no part of that sentence is true. I started trying to figure this whole thing out two months ago. I was given this domain by a family friend for my birthday. Cue several weeks of hair-pulling domain transfers and waiting as various people satisfied their roles on the back-end. Today was the first time I actually managed to get as far as the admin page. God willing, today will also be the day that this thing goes live, although I’m not holding my breath.

There are still a great many questions to be answered before I will genuinely consider this blog to be live. Questions like “What the heck is RSS?” and “Is my modem supposed to be on fire?”. Many of those questions relate to the myriad red flashing notifications on all the menus, all of which apparently require my immediate action, but also have to be done in a very specific order.

Time will tell if this whole blogging affair becomes a fun pastime or a teary graveyard of smoldering computer remains.

Note: Comments and related subscriber features have been temporarily suspended (I think?) while I figure out what all those flashing buttons mean.

Published by

Renaissance Guy

The wandering cyborg in question