A Few Short Points

1: Project Crimson Update

Look, let’s get this out of the way: I’m pretty easy to excite and amuse. Give me something for free, and it’ll make my day. Give me some item that I can use in my normal routine, and it will make my week. So far, my free trial of YouTube Red/ Google Play music has hit all of these buttons, which is good, because it goes a long way towards assuaging my parentally-instilled aversion to ever parting with my credit card number for any reason whatsoever.

Last week, I mentioned that this had been something that I had been considering. Today, after receiving my new iPhone SE in the mail, I decided to pull the trigger. In my research, I actually managed to find a slightly better deal; four months’ free trial instead of three, with the same terms and conditions, through a referral code from another tech blog. Technically my trial is with Google Play Music, but seeing as it has the same price as YouTube Red, and gets YouTube Red thrown in for free (it also works the same way the other way around; Red subscribers get Google Play Music for free as part of their subscription), the distinction is academic in my case, and only matters in other countries where different laws govern music and video services, forcing the split.

With about six hours of experience behind me, I can say that so far I am quite pleased with the results so far. I certainly wouldn’t recommend it as a universal necessity, and I wouldn’t recommend it for anyone trying to keep an especially tight budget. Ten dollars a month isn’t nothing, and the way things seem to be set up to be automated makes it deceptively easy to simply keep paying. Moreover, because purchasing YouTube Red requires a Google payment account, it removes one more psychological barrier from spending more in the future.

In my case, I determined that the cost, at least over the short and medium term, would be justified, because without being able to download my YouTube playlists to my devices for offline consumption, I would wind up spending more purchasing the same songs for downloads. But unless you really listen to a wide variety of songs, or particularly obscure songs, on a daily basis, this will probably be a wash.

There is another reason why I expect this cost to be financially justified. Because I have fallen into the habit of needing a soundtrack for all of my activities, my data usage rates have gone through the roof. I maintain that much of this is a result of the iPhone’s use of cellular data to supplement egregiously slow wifi (the only kind of wifi that exists in my household, and at hotspots around town), and hence, not really my fault. I can’t disable this setting, because my phone is used to send life support data to and from the cloud to help support me alive.

Financial details aside, I am enjoying my trial so far. Being able to listen to music while using other apps, and without advertisements, has been a great convenience, and is already doing things to help my battery life. I have briefly perused the selection of exclusive subscriber content, and most of it falls into the category of “vaguely interesting, and probably amusing, but mostly not the kind of thing I’d set aside time to watch”. This is, perhaps interestingly, the same category into which most television series and movies also fall.

2: Give me money, maybe.

In tangentially related news, I am giving serious thought to starting a patreon page, which would allow people to give me money for creating stuff. It’s basically an internet tip jar. Not because I feel that I need money to continue inflicting my opinions on the world. Rather, because I’ve been working on a “short” (in the sense that eighty thousand words is short) story, which my friends have been trying to convince me to serialize and post here. It’s and interesting idea, and one that has a certain lure to it.

Even with my notions of someday writing a novel, this story isn’t the kind of thing that I’d seek to publish in book format, at least not until after I’ve already I’ve broken into publishing. I’m already writing this story, so the alternative is it sitting on my hard drive until something happens to it. Even if the number of people who like it is in the single digits, it costs me nothing (except maybe a bit of bruised ego that my first creation isn’t a runaway hit). And there’s always the outside chance that I might exceed my own expectations.

So me branching into fiction on this blog is looking more and more like a serious possibility. But, if I’m going to do this, I want to do this right. Committing to writing a serial story online means committing to following through with plots and characters to a satisfactory conclusion. On the sliding scale of “writing for personal entertainment” and “writing as a career”, writing a web serial inches closer to the second part than I’ve really had to think about until now. This means having the long term infrastructure in place so that I can write sustainably and regularly.

In my case, because I still aim to create things for fun, for free to the public, and on my own terms, this means having the infrastructure to accept crowdfunding donations. I wouldn’t expect to make a living this way. In fact, I’d be amazed if the site hosting would pay for itself. But it would ensure that, on the off chance that, by the time I finished this first story, a large number of people had found and enjoyed my stuff, or a small but dedicated group had decided they enjoyed my writing enough to support me, that I would have all the infrastructure in place to, first of all, gauge what was happening, and second of all, be able to double down on what works.

All of this is, of course, purely hypothetical at this point. Were it to happen, it would require a level of organization that I don’t see happening imminently. Given my summer travel plans, progress on this likely wouldn’t happen until at least mid to late July.

3: Expect Chaos

On a related note, this week starts off my much anticipated summer travels. I expect that this will be a major test of my more or less weekly plus of minus a few hours upload schedule. As a result, it is quite possible that new updates will be chaotic in when they come.

Note that I don’t know whether that means more or fewer posts than usual. Sometimes these events leave me with lots of things to say, and so inspire me to write more and release more. On the other hand, as we saw in April, sometimes I come back tired, or even sick, and have to take a few days off.

It is also possible that I will be motivated, but busy, and so may wind up posting pieces that were written a long time ago that haven’t been published for one reason or another. If this last one happens, I will endeavor to leave a note on the post to explain any chronological discrepancies.

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Renaissance Guy (Mobile)

This account is the one I use to post from mobile. Same guy though.